Ivan Basso presents Granfondo Tre Valli Varesine - Eolo
Within a month, on Sunday 3rd October, will be raced the 5th edition of Gran Fondo Tre Valli Varesine – Eolo. The race organized by Società Ciclistica Alfredo Binda, already 2018 World Championship venue, will be valid as a qualifying event for the UCI Gran Fondo World Championship 2022 and is also part of the cycling circuit “Circuito Coppa Piemonte Love for Cycling 2021”.
It is the Champion of Cassano Magnago Ivan Basso who shows the event of 3rd October: “Gran Fondo Tre Valli Varesine Eolo, after the forced year break, comes back and on 3rdOctober we will gather all together in this beautiful Gran Fondo that I feel close to me – Ivan says – an event that passes through the territories where for several years I trained, covering five uphills and skirting three lakes that are part of Varese province defined as “the lakes province”. The finish line will be in Varese in the same place where on Tuesday 5th October professional cyclists will finish their race – Tre Valli Varesine”. Many are also the peculiarities of Gran Fondo Tre Valli Varesine – Eolo : “ It will be the only Italian Gran Fondo to qualify at the 2022 World Championships in Trento and will be cycled in complete safeness in both the course, 103 and 130 kms, completely close to the traffic. From this point of view, we can consider ourselves professional cyclists for a day.” The Champion adds: “In order to get a good result, on both the distances, or to conclude in an adequate way the tracks, is important to have a good control over the effort and eat properly. Three feed zones are placed along the course, where you will find all the essentials to boost your body with energy and to enjoy a beautiful day cycling across the best territory of Varese province, across the best uphills, skirting marvellous lakes until arriving in the most wonderful town of our province”.
You just have to sign up!
All the information are available at www.granfondotrevallivaresine.it